Sharlene Graham


When she was ten years old, Sharlene knew in her heart she would give one of her kidneys to her cousin when the time came.

It took 30 years to fulfill that promise.

But just over one year ago, that’s just what she did. Her cousin Patricia was born with the same kidney disease that took her uncle’s life.  It took years for the disease to take its final toll, partly thanks to Patricia’s healthy lifestyle decisions, but eventually fate caught up.

Sharlene’s own words tell her story best:

“One year ago I faced the scariest, bravest, most loving times of my life. I suited up, choked down the fears, listened to my heart, and did it . . . that teeny tiny little kidney I spared is a fighter, just like the girl who grew it”.

Learn more about living kidney donation here:


Stanley Ip


Krystle Sallis